OSAA Foundation

ImPACT Program

In the Summer of 2015 the OSAA Foundation developed a relationship with ImPACT (Immediate Post-Concussion Assessment and Cognitive Testing). Developed by clinical experts who pioneered the field, ImPACT, is the most-widely used and most scientifically validated computerized concussion evaluation system. ImPACT provides trained clinicians with neurocognitive assessment tools and services that have been medically accepted as state-of-the-art best practices -- as part of determining safe return to play decisions.

The relationship between the OSAA Foundation and ImPACT helps reduce the cost for member schools to access the program. In the OSAA Foundation program, schools only pay for the tests they use and receive a substantial discount compared to the advertised price ($1.45 per pre-test and $7 per post-test.)

Oregon's relationship with ImPACT is not unique within a high school state association setting. What is unique to Oregon is the network of athletic trainers and doctors the OSAA Foundation put together to help assist schools across the state implement and monitor the program. Oregon was the first state to create a support network for school personnel, athletic trainers, and area doctors.

Below are the regional OSAA Foundation / ImPACT ITAT Certified ATC's who can help schools with questions on the ImPACT program along with the 3 ImPACT CIC doctors in the current network.

Portland / Northern Oregon

Overseeing Doctor: Dr. James Chesnutt (OHSU) (chesnutt@ohsu.edu)

Certified Athetic Trainers
Northwest Oregon: Chad Rankin (CRankin@columbiamemorial.org)
Portland: Ryan Rockwood (rockwoor@ohsu.edu)

Eugene / Southern Oregon

Overseeing Doctor: Dr. Michael Koester (Slocum Center) (mkoester@slocumcenter.com)

Certified Athetic Trainers
Albany/Corvallis/Salem: Bryan Painter (Bryan.Painter@Corvallis.k12.or.us)
Eugene/Springfield: Laura Baker (baker_l@4j.lane.edu)
Roseburg/Southern Oregon: Julie Dever (jdever@roseburg.k12.or.us)

Central / Eastern Oregon

Overseeing Doctor: Dr. Viviane Ugalde (The Center) (vugalde@thecenteroregon.com)

Certified Athetic Trainers
Bend/Southern Oregon: Lindsay Hagler (lhagler@thecenteroregon.com)
Redmond/Central Oregon: Cari Wood (cari.wood@redmondschools.org)
Pendleton/Eastern Oregon: Debbi Green (Debbi.Green@pendleton.k12.or.us)

Additional Resources:
OSAA Health and Safety
ImPACT Testing at Home
ImPACT Learning Hub